Where Do Bed Bugs Come From?

Contrary to popular notion, bed bug infestation is not always caused by poor sanitation. In fact, in most cases, the bugs come from the outside via different sources. So where do bed bugs come from and how can people avoid this type of infestation in their homes?

Used Furniture and/or Clothing

Bed bugs are highly resilient insects that thrive in filthy areas, especially surfaces where they can spawn and hide for many months or even years without being detected. Buying and using used or second-hand furniture and clothes, especially those that were previously stored someplace dirty and/or dusty, might bring the bugs into your home. Thick upholstered furniture might carry not only grown bed bugs, but also hundreds if not thousands of eggs.

Old Books

Constant readers who collect old books can inadvertently bring bed bugs into their home. Bindings of old dusty books are excellent places for bugs and their eggs to hide in, and they are hardly noticeable upon first glance. In most cases, people who buy old books only dust off the covers without necessarily checking the bindings first. It is very important to shake off the books and clean them thoroughly in order to avoid bringing pests in the house.

Out of Town Guests with Luggage

While it is a nice gesture to let friends and/or family members stay over one’s home during holidays and special occasions, it also increases the possibility of getting bed bugs and other types of infestation. Bugs can thrive in luggage for years especially when they are not cleaned regularly. Large travel bags as well as small purses can carry bed bugs, which means the infestation can travel from one location to another.

If the guests have previously stayed in a hotel or motel with their luggage, it is entirely possible that bed bugs might hitch on bags and pieces of clothing. When the guests unpack, they will inadvertently leave live bugs as well as hundreds of unhatched eggs that will mature in a matter of days.

Poorly Maintained Vehicle Upholstery

For people who are too busy to clean their car seats and carpet, the possibility of bed bug infestation is quite high. Going from the car to one’s home daily allows for the transfer of bugs on a daily basis. Most people do not notice until they start to itch all over and/or get that uncomfortable sensation of the bugs crawling over their body.

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Permanently

Getting one’s home inspected for bed bugs by professionals is always the best course of action. The extent of infestation has to be determined prior to getting the home treated for bed bugs. While these insects do not necessarily cause diseases, they can irritate the skin and make people itch all over, which can be quite inconvenient especially to little kids.