Bedbug Detecting Devices – What You Need to Know

Bedbugs are bothersome little pests that you need to get rid of as soon as possible. The ability to detect the presence of these bugs at an early stage is critical to ensuring that their presence does not escalate into a full-blown infestation. There are many bedbug detecting devices in the market. However, it is worth noting that no single device is 100% effective. You might need to use a combination of one or more devices to increase your chances of success in detecting these irritating intruders.
Below is a candid analysis of bedbug detecting devices and what you need to know about them for better bedbug control.
- NightWatch bedbug detection device
This state-of-the-art equipment which looks like a book binding machine was developed to act as an active bedbug detecting and monitoring device. The device is designed such that it lures bedbugs by emitting thermal, carbon dioxide and Kairomone, which mimic human breathing. The little pests are lured by the lures released from the device. The pests climb into the device in search of food, thinking that it is a human host. Once inside, the bedbugs are trapped by the pitfall trap made of polished material. This device is powerful and it can detect up to 99.98% of bedbugs in a period of less than ten days.
The NightWatch bedbug detection device does not use any toxic chemical making it a safe detection method that can be used around children, plant and pets. Moreover, the device is self-regulating meaning that it automatically turns on when the bedbugs are active and turns off when they are inactive.
Despite the many advantages associated with this detection method, there are some disadvantages attached to the use of this device. Firstly, the device is pricey. Secondly, one device can only cover limited space (16ft by 16ft) so; you will need to buy several devices for bigger rooms. Thirdly, the device needs to be used in unoccupied rooms to protect the occupants from acting as lures and traps for these bugs.
- Bedbug beacon
The bedbug beacon uses carbon dioxide to lure and trap bedbugs. The device uses pellets to attract the bugs. The device is reusable, refillable and safe to use. Refilling this lure would cost you about $10 and it will last for about three weeks providing continuous monitoring.
- Bedbug detection system (BDS)
The BDS is the most affordable, discrete and adaptable bedbug detecting and monitoring device. The system uses an adhesive dot matrix which is normally coated on a rough cardboard surface. Bedbugs are attracted to these hotspots where they are trapped. The BDS can be glued on surfaces in places that include homes, hospitals, schools, military posts and apartment complex.
- Do it Yourself (DIY) Monitor
Aside from the three commercial bedbug detecting devices mentioned above, you can also make a simple bedbug trap at home. This trap can be made from masking tape, dry ice, pet food bowl and an insulated container. This trap is effective for trapping bedbugs in places with low level infestation.
These four bedbug detection devices can be used in different combinations. You are also advised to use the devices with certified bedbug products.